Are All Contractors Morons?

May 16, 2008

I gotta tell ya, if there is a business that is ripe for a top to bottom makeover it is that of the contractor. Where else can you find such poorly run businesses?

Let’s face it, the construction market is in the toilet – regardless of what the spin meisters at COBA tell you. That being said, you would think that contractors would be anxious to take on any new jobs. While I can tell that most contractors have more free time then they did a year or so ago, they still do not have the common business sense to follow-up up with phone calls, send out estimates or show up on time.

I called 6 contractors recently to have some deck and stone work done, while most of them were quick to get out to survey the job (cause most are not working), only 2 followed up with a quote while the other 6 seemingly vanished into thin air.

My Dad had a similar story with a landscaper. This particular landscaper took the time to distribute flyers for a special offer for a spring yard clean-up. The price was right so he called. Not only did the guy fail to show up, but when my Dad called him to find out what happened, he could not even get my Dad’s last name correct. My Dad, being a far more generous person than myself, allowed him to re-schedule for the next day. Guess what? He never showed. What a clown.

So, if there are some contractors out there that have keen business sense, or essentially, the ability to return a phone call, show up on time and provide a bid – Central Oregon is a fertile territory as far as I can tell.

Until that time, I will view all contractors with a healthy dose of skepticism.

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